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Leo - stones in star signs

Leo 23.7 to 22.8.

Lions, royal sign that stands out above the rest horoscope signs your confidence, strength of personality and ambition. If therefore any sign horoscope says that is ambitious and lions to apply several times. Lions are kings in society and at work, which is perfectly applicable to senior positions in private are excellent companions. People born under the sign of Leo are very energetic, always full of ideas and have great organizational skills, but not too persistent. It is interesting that lions can not tolerate criticism, however, it is because they themselves have negative aspects of personality even realize. Lions are too lazy for it to overcome on the way to their goals difficult obstacles, except love. I prefer to apply in those professions in which they excel and need a strong personality exhibition, lions are often actors or artists freelance. Lions live life to the fullest, their life is most dramatic, they still need someone with something to compete, surround yourself with luxury goods. People born under the sign of the horoscope lion, are prominent personalities who still need admiration, and sometimes it is hard to get along with them. However, in every lion hides a romantic soul who is able to stand up for the weak in trouble.

Stones in the sign of the Lion Horoscope:


Sluníčkova colored citrine is a great companion for sunny Leo. Citrine lions supports dynamic in their life and also harmonizes the emotional areas of the personality. Citrine lions helps to know your own personality as well, including the negative traits which lions do not even realize while its golden glow wards off feelings of discontent. Citrine simply resonates with the personality of lions.

Right citrine is tuned to the same wavelength as the sun loving people born under the sign of Leo. These unique citrine stones and more can be found on the e-shop in the category of stones for collectors .


Raspberry-red rubies are the stones of very self-centered lions in need of love, not only to themselves but also to the environment. People born under the sign of la have a need to be constantly admired and loved, but ruby ​​addresses this need and lions so desires contact with the area that they themselves admire and encourage. Ruby supports heart not only emotional, but also physical plane, is that lions have problems, especially in old age, when lions often suffer from heart disease.

Ruby is best worn as a pendant, as near the heart. Especially in the area of the heart is the strongest ruby. Pendants with stones also find in our offer, choose yours.


Jantar encourages often too comfortable lions courage to overcome the obstacles that we may encounter in the workplace, but also that life brings. Supports will and especially taste these obstacles to fight. Amber also helps self-centered lions enjoying the little things that life has to offer and that lions after his lust for luxuries overlooked.

Radiant warm amber his quiet strength supports the plan to Lions finishing their desired goals. Amber and amber jewelry are very suitable for the Lions.

Other stones:

  • Girasol - a stone that brings conjunction with crystal opal, gives us a glimpse into his heart. With its help, we can realize our negative qualities that might just see it. Girasol is an excellent stone during meditation.
  • Garnet - Garnet like ruby is a stone of vitality and libido. Garnet also promotes endurance and especially when it often lazy lions wanted to give up.
  • Heliodor - Yellow stone lions that helps harmonize the heart and is a partner in the prevention of heart diseases to which the lions at a later age gradients
  • Crystal - Crystal is in Esoteric very versatile stone, which also supports other stones.
  • Peridot - the lush green stone brings rest for ever perfect and the Royal Lion. Olivine or peridot brings relief not only psychological but also in the physical realm, especially in the area of ​​the heart chakra.
  • Chert, flint - these stones promote tolerance and forgiveness, not only at work but also in his personal life. Those born under the sign of the lion attenuates the need for competition and especially the need to be constantly praised.
  • Rutile in crystal or in smoky quartz - rutile connection with these minerals brings esoteric powerful stone that harmonizes similar to the waves. The Lions are especially feeling of comfort in an encounter with their own shortcomings, which were never previously unaware.
  • Sunstone - this stone in September as well as the outstanding personality of a lion in the company. Sun stone silent stress and anxiety at the Lions for the other star signs, for it must be exhausting to try to be unconsciously still be the best.
  • Emerald - this stone is popular for its royal green color helps lions in arousing feelings of belonging, a sense of understanding and mainly interested in people in their neighborhood. Green stones like emerald extra soothing properties.
  • Golden topaz - opens closed lions spirit of selfless love and brightens the mind like citrine
  • Ferruginous quartz and petrified wood - again, a stone that leads us to the realization of the coveted and desired objectives. Quartz with more iron does not force us to go beyond these targets directly, but shows us, if necessary, can be removed from the road for a while retreat, even to sacrifice something.

rutile Kristalolivine peridotGranat

This article is merely a recommendation, if you like any other stone, than which there is nothing stopping you from above you can buy it and enjoy it.

Author: ®, Copyright © June 21, 2012, all rights reserved