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Stones in star signs - Sagittarius

Sagittarius horoscope sign is valid for the period between 23.11. and 21.12, a cold and dreary winter. Maybe you reflection characteristic manifestations of this dreary winter time searching for properties in people born in the sign of Sagittarius, fortunately, the opposite is true. People born under the sign of Sagittarius are mostly cheerful and sociable people who love freedom, nature and good humor. Shooters, as their name suggests excellent athletes, for beloved sport can inspire. Sagittarians are brave, forthright and truthful, but sometimes unknowingly what i overshoots because someone direct their actions and behavior may not be to their liking. People born under the sign of Sagittarius love freedom and often denying more to friendship than to bind into a serious relationship. Even in marriage, if at that, you are not fully attached, freedom is important to them and the same feeling of freedom can also enjoy your partner. In relation shooters are, therefore, both men and women romantic and imaginative, but as has been said, do not like to be tied to one person. In general it can be said that people born under the sign of the horoscope shooters are friendly and honest people, great athletes, especially in ball games, shooting and golf.

Stones suitable for star signs are good shooters guide for their life, great companion for the time being and discomfort.


Amethyst stones, which experts deem esoteric stones inner balance. Amethyst promotes psyche inadvertently distracts us from conduct which may place people born under the sign of Sagittarius tendencies. Amethyst stones meditation, mental and spiritual development.

Amethysts are beautiful purple colored stones suitable for meditation and relaxation. Amethyst also laid under the pillow brings restful sleep.


Also chalcedony stone, which alleviates the straightness of shooters that area can seem to insensitive or tactless. Chalcedony stone is most active in the neck, where it helps to choose the right words and supports communication center. Chalcedony, according to experts in the esoteric purify and clearer speech. At the same time chalcedony reduces inattention, especially at work or at school, which can lead to discomfort, especially in children.

Chalcedony is great to wear as a pendant, as their most important influence is in the throat, where the opening speech center.


Aventurine, leafy green stone to gently brings into our day bit of freshness of nature. Looking at Aventurine you feel that you are holding a piece of nature in your hand. You can feel the freshness and purity of trees, moss and grass in a beautiful day of spring, when nature awakens from its winter slumber. Now this stone is the perfect companion for the shooter, as people born under the sign of Sagittarius love nature.

Leaf Green Aventurine stones, which brings a fresh charm of nature into your hands.

Other gemstones for the shooter:

Iolit (cordilierit) - people born under the sign of the horoscope shooters have very good logical thinking. Iolit helps shooters contemplating logically understand the illogical action or thinking of other people. Iolit supports creativity and good mood.
Precious opal - suppresses fluctuations of human personality. For the native of this sign is particularly excessive activity that can overshadow their mental page.
Dumortierite -
Chrysocolla - blue green stone that resembles the planet Earth is a stone that helps to cope with betrayal or insincerity by honest and straight shooters may bear heavily.
Chrysoprase - optimistically green stone helps with disappointment
Lapis lazuli - a stone in color of the night sky studded with stars, is the cornerstone of cosmic wisdom. Lapis lazuli enhances intelligence, is a great cornerstone for learning, since it not only supports s perception of learning, but also calms restlessness.
Sapphire - Stone loyalty and frequent stone on the engagement ring. Sapphire incite shooters need loyalty and awareness of family ties, which minded shooters do not take too seriously.
Sodalit - an important component of lapis lazuli, its effects are very similar.
Topaz - especially shades of blue topaz or topaz If you are the shooter's right. Blue topaz is the stone of artists, it is a spiritual stone that connects the city center with the speech of the mind and helps to better communication.
Tanzanite - for Thinking logically and rationally shooters evoke the necessary spiritual and intellectual development
Turquoise - at this scale, we would like to mention the use of a little-known especially as a companion or guide the resolution of disputes and the protection of the weaker

chrysocolla aquamarine turquoise

Have you noticed that the vast majority of colored stones in blue color? Maybe coincidence, maybe not. Sagittarians are happy, sporty easygoing and honest star signs, it does not stress or mental health problems. The slight drawback is the rather less ability to concentrate, which is in the intellect which is most shooters own pity. Blue stones are stones meditation, relaxation and concentration, so they are the right ones for the shooter.

precious stones and horoscope

This article is a recommendation rather, each person is unique and original, but we hope you will find this article inspiring and enjoyable reading.

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